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A Crazy Thin Backup Battery You Can Probably Also Use as a Bookmark新華網12月6日電據科技博客Gizmodo文章,大傢都有親身體會,智能手機的電池很難維持一整天時間。但是,假如每天隨身攜帶一個笨重的移動電源走來走去,也會是非常麻煩的事情。除非,你選擇的移動電源是維爾尚(Vorson)書簽系列移動電源。這款移動電源有2500毫安時,厚度隻有4.7毫米,比一本普通雜志還要薄,幾乎不會占用你包包裡的空間。書簽移動電源的底部略厚,有一個標準尺寸的USB端口和可觸摸激活的剩餘電量顯示器。其目前售價為60美元,不僅能為智能手機供電,還能為iPad Air這樣的較大電子設備供電。Your smartphone"s battery rarely lasts a full day, but carrying around a clunky external backup sounds like a hassle coupled with a burden. Unless you"ve opted for Vorson"s Bookmark which packs a 2,500 mAh battery into a remarkably thin housing that"s just 4.7 millimeters thick. There are magazines thicker than that, so this should easily disappear inside your bag.On its bulging bottom you"ll find a standard-sized USB port, as well as touch-to-activate battery meter so you always know how much juice is left. The $60 Bookmark even offers enough current to charge larger devices like the iPad Air.